4. Mcmurchie Davidson Scheme

4.1. Overlap

Let us frist consider the simple overlap integral \begin{equation} S_{ab} = \langle G_a|G_b \rangle \end{equation}

it can be factorized in the three Cartesian directons \begin{equation} S_{ab} = S_{ij}S_{kl}S_{mn} \end{equation}

The Obara-Saika recurrence relations for the Cartesian overlap integral over one direction is:

\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} S_{i+1,j} &= X_{PA}S_{ij} + \frac{1}{2p}(iS_{i-1,j}+jS_{i,j-1})\\ S_{i,j+1} &= X_{PB}S_{ij} + \frac{1}{2p}(iS_{i-1,j}+jS_{i,j-1})\\ \end{aligned} \end{equation}

With the boundary condtion

\begin{equation} S_{0,0} = \sqrt(\frac{\pi}{p}) exp(-\mu X_{AB}^2) \end{equation}

class Overlap(object):
    """The Obara-Saika scheme for three-dimensional overlap integral over
    primitive Gaussian orbitals.

    a : float
        Gaussian exponent facotr.

    b : float
        Gaussian exponent facotr.

    i : int
        Angular momentum quantum number.

    j : int
        Angular momentum quantum number.

    A : float
        Coordinate in on direction.

    B : float
        Coordinate in on direction.

    result : float
        The non-normalizecd overlap interal.
    def __init__(self):
        self.p = 0
        self.mu = 0
        self.P = ()

    def __call__(self, pga, pgb):
        """Evaluates non-normalizecd overlap integral over two primitive gaussian orbitals.

        pga: PrimitiveGaussian
            The first primitive gaussian orbital.

        pgb: PrimitiveGaussian
            The second primitive gaussian orbital.

        C: List[float,float,float]
            Coordinate of nuclei.

        result : float
            Integral value.
        result = 1
        for r in range(3):
            result *= self.S1d(r, pga, pgb)
        return result

    def S1d(self, r, pga, pgb):
        a = pga.exponent
        b = pgb.exponent
        p = a + b
        mu = (a*b)/(a+b)

        A = np.array(pga.origin)
        B = np.array(pgb.origin)
        XAB = A-B

        if pga.shell[r] > 0:
            return self.recursive(r, *self.gaussian_factory(r, pga, pgb))
        elif pgb.shell[r] > 0:
            return self.recursive(r, *self.gaussian_factory(r, pgb, pga))
            # Starting from the spherical Gaussians.
            S00 = np.power(np.pi/p,0.5)*np.exp(-mu*XAB[r]**2)
            return S00

    def recursive(self, r, pga, pgb, pga_1, pga_2, pgb_1):
        term1 = term2 = term3 = 0

        a = pga.exponent
        b = pgb.exponent
        p = a + b
        mu = (a*b)/(a+b)

        A = np.array(pga.origin)
        B = np.array(pgb.origin)
        P = (a*A+b*B)/p
        XPA = P-A

        if XPA[r] != 0:
            term1 = XPA[r] * self.S1d(r, pga_1, pgb)
        if pga_1.shell[r] >= 0:
            term2 = pga_1.shell[r] * (1 / (2 * p)) * self.S1d(r, pga_2, pgb)
        if pgb.shell[r] >= 0:
            term3 = pgb.shell[r] * (1 / (2 * p)) * self.S1d(r, pga_1, pgb_1)
        return term1 + term2 + term3

    def gaussian_factory(self, r, pga, pgb):
        ca = pga.coefficient
        cb = pgb.coefficient

        a = pga.exponent
        b = pgb.exponent

        A = pga.origin
        B = pgb.origin

        i,k,m = pga.shell
        j,l,n = pgb.shell

        if r == 0:
            pga_i_1 = PrimitiveGaussian(ca, A, (i - 1, k, m), a)
            pga_i_2 = PrimitiveGaussian(ca, A, (i - 2, k, m), a)
            pgb_j_1 = PrimitiveGaussian(cb, B, (j - 1, l, n), b)
            return pga, pgb, pga_i_1, pga_i_2, pgb_j_1
        elif r == 1:
            pga_k_1 = PrimitiveGaussian(ca, A, (i, k - 1, m), a)
            pga_k_2 = PrimitiveGaussian(ca, A, (i, k - 2, m), a)
            pgb_l_1 = PrimitiveGaussian(cb, B, (j, l - 1, n), b)
            return pga, pgb, pga_k_1, pga_k_2, pgb_l_1
        elif r == 2:
            pga_m_1 = PrimitiveGaussian(ca, A, (i, k, m - 1), a)
            pga_m_2 = PrimitiveGaussian(ca, A, (i, k, m - 2), a)
            pgb_n_1 = PrimitiveGaussian(cb, B, (j, l, n - 1), b)
            return pga, pgb, pga_m_1, pga_m_2, pgb_n_1
# The overlap integral between two primitive Gaussian type orbital
S_integral = Overlap()

4.2. Kinetic

Consider the integral of electrons kinetic energy

\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} T_{a,b} &= \langle G_a \vert -\sum^N_{i=1}\frac{\hbar^2}{2m_i}\boldsymbol{\nabla}_i^2 \vert G_b \rangle\\ T_{a,b} &= T_{ij}S_{kl}S_{mn} + S_{ij}T_{kl}S_{mn} + S_{ij}S_{kl}T_{mn} \end{aligned} \end{equation}

The Obara-Saika recurrence relations for the Cartesian kinetic integrals over one direction is:

\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} T_{i+1,j} &= X_{PA}T_{ij} + \frac{1}{2p}(iT_{i-1,j}+jT_{i,j-1}) + \frac{b}{p}(2aS_{i+1,j}-iS_{i-1,j})\\ T_{i,j+1} &= X_{PB}T_{ij} + \frac{1}{2p}(iT_{i-1,j}+jT_{i,j-1})+ \frac{a}{p}(2bS_{i,j+1}-jS_{i,j-1})\\ \end{aligned} \end{equation}

With the boundary condtion

\begin{equation} T_{0,0} = \left[a-2a^2(X_{PA}^2 + \frac{1}{2p})\right] S_{00} \end{equation}

overlap = Overlap()
class Kinetic(object):
    """The Obara-Saika scheme for three-dimensional kinetic energy integral over
    primitive Gaussian orbitals.

    a : float
        Gaussian exponent facotr.

    b : float
        Gaussian exponent facotr.

    i : int
        Angular momentum quantum number.

    j : int
        Angular momentum quantum number.

    A : float
        Coordinate in on direction.

    B : float
        Coordinate in on direction.

    result : float
        The non-normalizecd kinetic interals in one dimension.
    def __init__(self):
        self.p = 0
        self.mu = 0
        self.P = ()

    def __call__(self, pga, pgb):
        """Evaluates nuclear attraction integral over two primitive gaussian orbitals.

        pga: PrimitiveGaussian
            The first primitive gaussian orbital.

        pgb: PrimitiveGaussian
            The second primitive gaussian orbital.

        C: List[float,float,float]
            Coordinate of nuclei.

        result : float
            Integral value.
        Sij = overlap.S1d(0,pga,pgb)
        Skl = overlap.S1d(1,pga,pgb)
        Smn = overlap.S1d(2,pga,pgb)

        Tij = self.T1d(0,pga,pgb)
        Tkl = self.T1d(1,pga,pgb)
        Tmn = self.T1d(2,pga,pgb)

        Tab = Tij*Skl*Smn+Sij*Tkl*Smn+Sij*Skl*Tmn
        return Tab

    def T1d(self, r, pga, pgb):
        a = pga.exponent
        b = pgb.exponent
        p = a + b
        mu = (a*b)/(a+b)

        A = np.array(pga.origin)
        B = np.array(pgb.origin)
        P = (a*A+b*B)/p
        XAB = A-B
        XPA = P-A

        if pga.shell[r] > 0:
            return self.recursive(r, *self.gaussian_factory(r, pga, pgb))
        elif pgb.shell[r] > 0:
            return self.recursive(r, *self.gaussian_factory(r, pgb, pga))
            # Starting from the spherical Gaussians.
            S00 = np.power(np.pi/p,0.5)*np.exp(-mu*XAB[r]**2)
            T00 = (a-2*a**2*(XPA[r]**2+1./(2*p)))*S00
            return T00

    def recursive(self, r, pga, pgb, pga_1, pga_2, pgb_1):
        term1 = term2 = term3 = term4 = term5 = 0

        a = pga.exponent
        b = pgb.exponent
        p = a + b
        mu = (a*b)/(a+b)

        A = np.array(pga.origin)
        B = np.array(pgb.origin)
        P = (a*A+b*B)/p
        XPA = P-A

        if XPA[r] != 0:
            term1 = XPA[r] * self.T1d(r, pga_1, pgb)
        if pga_1.shell[r] >= 0:
            term2 = pga_1.shell[r] * (1 / (2 * p)) * self.T1d(r, pga_2, pgb)
        if pgb.shell[r] >= 0:
            term3 = pgb.shell[r] * (1 / (2 * p)) * self.T1d(r, pga_1, pgb_1)
        term4 =  (2*a*b) / p * overlap.S1d(r, pga, pgb)
        if pga_1.shell[r] >= 0:
            term5 = pgb.shell[r] * (b / p) * overlap.S1d(r, pga_2, pgb)
        return term1 + term2 + term3 + term4 - term5

    def gaussian_factory(self, r, pga, pgb):
        ca = pga.coefficient
        cb = pgb.coefficient

        a = pga.exponent
        b = pgb.exponent

        A = pga.origin
        B = pgb.origin

        i,k,m = pga.shell
        j,l,n = pgb.shell

        if r == 0:
            pga_i_1 = PrimitiveGaussian(ca, A, (i - 1, k, m), a)
            pga_i_2 = PrimitiveGaussian(ca, A, (i - 2, k, m), a)
            pgb_j_1 = PrimitiveGaussian(cb, B, (j - 1, l, n), b)
            return pga, pgb, pga_i_1, pga_i_2, pgb_j_1
        elif r == 1:
            pga_k_1 = PrimitiveGaussian(ca, A, (i, k - 1, m), a)
            pga_k_2 = PrimitiveGaussian(ca, A, (i, k - 2, m), a)
            pgb_l_1 = PrimitiveGaussian(cb, B, (j, l - 1, n), b)
            return pga, pgb, pga_k_1, pga_k_2, pgb_l_1
        elif r == 2:
            pga_m_1 = PrimitiveGaussian(ca, A, (i, k, m - 1), a)
            pga_m_2 = PrimitiveGaussian(ca, A, (i, k, m - 2), a)
            pgb_n_1 = PrimitiveGaussian(cb, B, (j, l, n - 1), b)
            return pga, pgb, pga_m_1, pga_m_2, pgb_n_1
# The kinetic integral between two primitive Gaussian type orbital
T_integral = Kinetic()

4.3. Nuclear Attraction

\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} V_{a,b} &=\langle G_a \vert -\sum^N_{i=1}\sum^M_{\alpha=1} \frac{Z_\alpha e^2}{\textbf{r}_{i\alpha}} \vert G_b \rangle \\ V_{a,b} &= V_{ijklmn}^{000} = \Theta_{ijklmn}^{0} \end{aligned} \end{equation}

The Obara-Saika recurrence relations for the Cartesian nuclear attraction integrals:

\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \Theta_{i+1,j,k,l,m,n}^{N} &= X_{PA}\Theta_{ijkln}^{N} +\frac{1}{2p}(i\Theta_{i-1,j,k,l,m,n}^{N} + j\Theta_{i,j-1,k,l,m,n}^{N})\\ &-X_{PC}\Theta_{ijklmn}^{N+1} -\frac{1}{2p}(i\Theta_{i-1,j,k,l,m,n}^{N+1} + j\Theta_{i,j-1,k,l,m,n}^{N+1})\\ \Theta_{i,j+1,k,l,m,n}^{N} &= X_{PB}\Theta_{ijkln}^{N} +\frac{1}{2p}(i\Theta_{i-1,j,k,l,m,n}^{N} + j\Theta_{i,j-1,k,l,m,n}^{N})\\ &-X_{PC}\Theta_{ijklmn}^{N+1} -\frac{1}{2p}(i\Theta_{i-1,j,k,l,m,n}^{N+1} + j\Theta_{i,j-1,k,l,m,n}^{N+1})\\ \end{aligned} \end{equation}

With the boundary condtion

\begin{equation} \Theta_{000000}^{N} = \frac{2\pi}{p}(-2p)^{-N}K_{ab}^{xyz}R_{000}^{N} = \frac{2\pi}{p} K_{ab}^{xyz}F_N(pR_{PC}^2) \end{equation}

class NuclearAttraction(object):
    """The Obara-Saika scheme for three-dimensional nuclear attraction integral over
    primitive Gaussian orbitals.

    p : float
        The total exponent.

    mu : float
        The reduced exponent.

    P : List[float,float,float]
        The centre of charge coordinate.

    C : List[float,float,float]
        The coordinate of given nuclei.

    Kab : float
        The pre-exponential factor.

        Initialize the instance.
    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize the instance.
        self.p = 0
        self.mu = 0
        self.Kab = 0
        self.P = []
        self.C = []
        self.boys_dict = {}

    def __call__(self, pga, pgb, C):
        """Evaluates nuclear attraction integral over two primitive gaussian orbitals.

        pga: PrimitiveGaussian
            The first primitive gaussian orbital.

        pgb: PrimitiveGaussian
            The second primitive gaussian orbital.

        C: List[float,float,float]
            Coordinate of nuclei.

        result : float
            Integral value.
        l_total = sum(pga.shell) + sum(pgb.shell)

        a = pga.exponent
        b = pgb.exponent
        p = a + b
        mu = (a*b)/(a+b)

        A = np.array(pga.origin)
        B = np.array(pgb.origin)
        P = (a*A+b*B)/p

        RAB = np.linalg.norm(A-B)
        RPA = np.linalg.norm(P-A)
        RPB = np.linalg.norm(P-B)
        RPC = np.linalg.norm(P-C)

        Kab = exp(-mu*RAB**2)

        self.p = p
        self.mu = mu
        self.P = P
        self.C = C
        self.Kab = Kab

        # Build boys function F_{N}(x)
        N = l_total
        x = p*RPC**2
        boys_pre_factor = (2*np.pi)/p*Kab
        boys_function = boys(l_total, x)
        Theta_N_000000 = boys_pre_factor * boys_function
        self.boys_dict = {l_total: Theta_N_000000}

        while N >= 1:
            boys_function = boys_recursion(N, x, boys_function)
            N -= 1
            Theta_N_000000 = boys_pre_factor * boys_function
            self.boys_dict[N] = Theta_N_000000

        result = self.V(0, pga, pgb)
        return result

    def V(self, N, pga, pgb):
        """Evaluates nuclear attraction integral over two primitive gaussian orbitals.

        N : int
            Order of the boys function F_{N}(x).

        pga : PrimitiveGaussian
            The first primitive gaussian orbital.

        pgb : PrimitiveGaussian
            The second primitive gaussian orbital.

        vlaue : float
            Integral value.
        if pga.shell[0] > 0:
            return self.recursive(0, N, *self.gaussian_factory(0, pga, pgb))
        elif pga.shell[1] > 0:
            return self.recursive(1, N, *self.gaussian_factory(1, pga, pgb))
        elif pga.shell[2] > 0:
            return self.recursive(2, N, *self.gaussian_factory(2, pga, pgb))
        elif pgb.shell[0] > 0:
            return self.recursive(0, N, *self.gaussian_factory(0, pgb, pga))
        elif pgb.shell[1] > 0:
            return self.recursive(1, N, *self.gaussian_factory(1, pgb, pga))
        elif pgb.shell[2] > 0:
            result =  self.recursive(2, N, *self.gaussian_factory(2, pgb, pga))
            return result
            return self.boys_dict[N]

    def recursive(self, r, N, pga, pgb, pga_1, pga_2, pgb_1):
        """Evaluates nuclear attraction integral over two primitive gaussian orbitals.

        r : int
            Cartesian index 0, 1, 2.

        N : int
            Order of the boys function F_{N}(x).

        pga_1 : PrimitiveGaussian
            The primitive gaussian orbital.

        pgb : PrimitiveGaussian
            The primitive gaussian orbital.

        pga_2 : PrimitiveGaussian
            The primitive gaussian orbital.

        pgb_1 : PrimitiveGaussian
            The primitive gaussian orbital.

        result : float
            Integral value.
        term1 = term2 = term3 = term4 = term5 = term6 = 0

        a = pga.exponent
        b = pgb.exponent
        p = a+b

        A = np.array(pga.origin)
        B = np.array(pgb.origin)
        P = (a*A+b*B)/p
        C = self.C

        XPA = np.array(P) - np.array(A)
        XPC = np.array(P) - np.array(C)

        if np.array_equal(P,A) is False:
            term1 = XPA[r] * self.V(N, pga_1, pgb)
        if pga_1.shell[r] > 0:
            term2 = pga_1.shell[r] * (1 / (2 * p)) * self.V(N, pga_2, pgb)
        if pgb.shell[r] > 0:
            term3 = pgb.shell[r] * (1 / (2 * p)) * self.V(N, pga_1, pgb_1)
        if np.array_equal(P,C) is False:
            term4 = XPC[r] * self.V(N+1, pga_1, pgb)
        if pga_1.shell[r] > 0:
            term5 = pga_1.shell[r] * (1 / (2 * p)) * self.V(N+1, pga_2, pgb)
        if pgb.shell[r] > 0:
            term6 = pgb.shell[r] * (1 / (2 * p)) * self.V(N+1, pga_1, pgb_1)

        result = term1+term2+term3-term4-term5-term6
        return result

    def gaussian_factory(self, r, pga, pgb):
        """Evaluates nuclear attraction integral over two primitive gaussian orbitals.

        r : int
            Cartesian index 0, 1, 2.

        N : int
            Order of the boys function F_{N}(x).

        pga : PrimitiveGaussian
            The primitive gaussian orbital.

        pgb : PrimitiveGaussian
            The primitive gaussian orbital.

        result : Tuple(pg,pg,pg,pg)
            Tuple of 4 PrimitiveGaussian orbital instance.
        ca = pga.coefficient
        cb = pgb.coefficient

        a = pga.exponent
        b = pgb.exponent

        A = pga.origin
        B = pgb.origin

        i,k,m = pga.shell
        j,l,n = pgb.shell

        if r == 0:
            pga_i_1 = PrimitiveGaussian(ca, A, (i - 1, k, m), a)
            pga_i_2 = PrimitiveGaussian(ca, A, (i - 2, k, m), a)
            pgb_j_1 = PrimitiveGaussian(cb, B, (j - 1, l, n), b)
            return pga, pgb, pga_i_1, pga_i_2, pgb_j_1
        elif r == 1:
            pga_k_1 = PrimitiveGaussian(ca, A, (i, k - 1, m), a)
            pga_k_2 = PrimitiveGaussian(ca, A, (i, k - 2, m), a)
            pgb_l_1 = PrimitiveGaussian(cb, B, (j, l - 1, n), b)
            return pga, pgb, pga_k_1, pga_k_2, pgb_l_1
        elif r == 2:
            pga_m_1 = PrimitiveGaussian(ca, A, (i, k, m - 1), a)
            pga_m_2 = PrimitiveGaussian(ca, A, (i, k, m - 2), a)
            pgb_n_1 = PrimitiveGaussian(cb, B, (j, l, n - 1), b)
            return pga, pgb, pga_m_1, pga_m_2, pgb_n_1
# The nuclear attraction integral between two primitive Gaussian type orbital
V_integral = NuclearAttraction()

4.4. Electron Repulsion

\begin{equation} V_{abcd} = \langle G_a G_b\vert \sum^N_{i=1}\sum^N_{j>i} \frac{e^2}{\textbf{r}_{ij}}\vert G_c G_d \rangle \end{equation}

The source and target integrals: \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \Theta_{0000;0000;0000}^{N} &= \frac{2\pi^{2.5}}{pq\sqrt{p+q}} K_{ab}^{xyz}K_{cd}^{xyz}F_N(\alpha R_{PQ}^2)\\ \Theta_{i_xj_xk_xl_x;i_yj_yk_yl_y;i_zj_zk_zl_z}^{0} &= g_{i_xj_xk_xl_x;i_yj_yk_yl_y;i_zj_zk_zl_z} \end{aligned} \end{equation}

The Obara-Saika two electron recurrence relation \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \Theta_{i+1,j,k,l}^{N} &= X_{PA}\Theta_{ijkl}^{N} -\frac{\alpha}{p}X_{PQ}\Theta_{i,j,k,l}^{N+1} +\frac{i}{2p}\left(\Theta_{i-1,j,k,l}^{N}-\frac{\alpha}{p}\Theta_{i-1,j,k,l}^{N+1}\right)\\ &+\frac{j}{2p}\left(\Theta_{i,j-1,k,l}^{N}-\frac{\alpha}{p}\Theta_{i,j-1,k,l}^{N+1}\right) -\frac{k}{2(p+q)}\Theta_{i,j,k-1,l}^{N+1} -\frac{l}{2(p+q)}\Theta_{i,j,k,l-1}^{N+1} \end{aligned} \end{equation} Using the horizontal recurrence relation, a similar relation may be written down for increments in j, replaceing \(X_{PA}\) with \(X_{PB}\).

\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \Theta_{i,j,k+1,l}^{N} &= X_{QC}\Theta_{ijkl}^{N} -\frac{\alpha}{q}X_{PQ}\Theta_{i,j,k,l}^{N+1} +\frac{k}{2q}\left(\Theta_{i,j,k-1,l}^{N}-\frac{\alpha}{q}\Theta_{i,j,k-1,l}^{N+1}\right)\\ &+\frac{l}{2q}\left(\Theta_{i,j,k,l-1}^{N}-\frac{\alpha}{q}\Theta_{i,j,k,l-1}^{N+1}\right) -\frac{i}{2(p+q)}\Theta_{i-1,j,k,l}^{N+1} -\frac{j}{2(p+q)}\Theta_{i,j-1,k,l}^{N+1} \end{aligned} \end{equation}

class ElectronRepulsion:
    """The Obara-Saika scheme for three-dimensional nuclear attraction integral over
    primitive Gaussian orbitals.

    p : float
        The total exponent.

    mu : float
        The reduced exponent.

    P : List[float,float,float]
        The centre of charge coordinate.

    C : List[float,float,float]
        The coordinate of given nuclei.

    Kab : float
        The pre-exponential factor.

        Initialize the instance.
    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize the instance.
        self.alpha = 0
        self.R = []
        self.boys_dict = {}

    def __call__(self, pga, pgb, pgc, pgd):
        """Evaluates nuclear attraction integral over two primitive gaussian orbitals.

        pga: PrimitiveGaussian
            The first primitive gaussian orbital.

        pgb: PrimitiveGaussian
            The second primitive gaussian orbital.

        C: List[float,float,float]
            Coordinate of nuclei.

        result : float
            Integral value.
        l_total = sum(pga.shell) + sum(pgb.shell) + sum(pgc.shell) + sum(pgd.shell)

        a = pga.exponent
        b = pgb.exponent
        c = pgc.exponent
        d = pgd.exponent
        p = a + b
        q = c + d
        mu = (a*b)/(a+b)
        nu = (c*d)/(c+d)
        alpha = (p * q) / (p + q)
        self.alpha = alpha

        A = np.array(pga.origin)
        B = np.array(pgb.origin)
        C = np.array(pgc.origin)
        D = np.array(pgd.origin)
        P = (a*A+b*B)/(a+b)
        Q = (c*C+d*D)/(c+d)
        R = (p*P+q*Q)/(p+q)
        self.R = R

        RAB = np.linalg.norm(A-B)
        RCD = np.linalg.norm(C-D)
        RPQ = np.linalg.norm(P-Q)

        # Build boys function F_{N}(x)
        Kab = np.exp(-mu*RAB**2)
        Kcd = np.exp(-nu*RCD**2)
        boys_pre_factor = (2*np.pi**(5/2))/(p*q*np.sqrt(p+q))*Kab*Kcd
        N = l_total
        x = alpha*RPQ**2
        boys_function = boys(l_total, x)
        Theta_N_0000_0000_0000 = boys_pre_factor * boys_function
        self.boys_dict = {l_total: Theta_N_0000_0000_0000}

        while N >= 1:
            boys_function = boys_recursion(N, x, boys_function)
            N -= 1
            Theta_N_0000_0000_0000 = boys_pre_factor * boys_function
            self.boys_dict[N] = Theta_N_0000_0000_0000
        result = self.Eri(0, pga, pgb, pgc, pgd)
        return result

    def Eri(self, N, pga, pgb, pgc, pgd):
        """Evaluates nuclear attraction integral over two primitive gaussian orbitals.

        N : int
            Order of the boys function F_{N}(x).

        pga : PrimitiveGaussian
            The primitive gaussian orbital.

        pgb : PrimitiveGaussian
            The primitive gaussian orbital.

        pgc : PrimitiveGaussian
            The primitive gaussian orbital.

        pgd : PrimitiveGaussian
            The primitive gaussian orbital.

        vlaue : float
            Integral value.
        if pga.shell[0] > 0:
            return self.recursive(0, N, *self.gaussian_factory(0, pga, pgb, pgc, pgd))
        elif pga.shell[1] > 0:
            return self.recursive(1, N, *self.gaussian_factory(1, pga, pgb, pgc, pgd))
        elif pga.shell[2] > 0:
            return self.recursive(2, N, *self.gaussian_factory(2, pga, pgb, pgc, pgd))
        elif pgb.shell[0] > 0:
            return self.recursive(0, N, *self.gaussian_factory(0, pgb, pga, pgd, pgc))
        elif pgb.shell[1] > 0:
            return self.recursive(1, N, *self.gaussian_factory(1, pgb, pga, pgd, pgc))
        elif pgb.shell[2] > 0:
            return self.recursive(2, N, *self.gaussian_factory(2, pgb, pga, pgd, pgc))
        elif pgc.shell[0] > 0:
            return self.recursive(0, N, *self.gaussian_factory(0, pgc, pgd, pga, pgb))
        elif pgc.shell[1] > 0:
            return self.recursive(1, N, *self.gaussian_factory(1, pgc, pgd, pga, pgb))
        elif pgc.shell[2] > 0:
            return self.recursive(2, N, *self.gaussian_factory(2, pgc, pgd, pga, pgb))
        elif pgd.shell[0] > 0:
            return self.recursive(0, N, *self.gaussian_factory(0, pgd, pgc, pgb, pga))
        elif pgd.shell[1] > 0:
            return self.recursive(1, N, *self.gaussian_factory(1, pgd, pgc, pgb, pga))
        elif pgd.shell[2] > 0:
            return self.recursive(2, N, *self.gaussian_factory(2, pgd, pgc, pgb, pga))
            return self.boys_dict[N]

    def recursive(self, r, N, pga, pgb, pgc, pgd, pga_1, pga_2, pgb_1, pgc_1, pgd_1):
        """Evaluates nuclear attraction integral over two primitive gaussian orbitals.

        r : int
            Cartesian index 0, 1, 2.

        N : int
            Order of the boys function F_{N}(x).

        pga_1 : PrimitiveGaussian
            The primitive gaussian orbital.

        pgb : PrimitiveGaussian
            The primitive gaussian orbital.

        pga_2 : PrimitiveGaussian
            The primitive gaussian orbital.

        pgb_1 : PrimitiveGaussian
            The primitive gaussian orbital.

        result : float
            Integral value.
        term1 = term2 = term3 = term4 = term5 = term6 = term7 = term8 = 0

        a = pga.exponent
        b = pgb.exponent
        c = pgc.exponent
        d = pgd.exponent
        p = a + b
        q = c + d
        alpha = (p*q)/(p+q)
        #alpha = self.alpha

        A = np.array(pga.origin)
        B = np.array(pgb.origin)
        C = np.array(pgc.origin)
        D = np.array(pgd.origin)
        P = (a*A+b*B)/(a+b)
        Q = (c*C+d*D)/(c+d)

        XPA = P - A
        XPQ = P - Q

        if XPA[r] != 0:
            term1 = XPA[r] * self.Eri(N, pga_1, pgb, pgc, pgd)
        if XPQ[r] != 0:
            term2 = alpha/p*XPQ[r] * self.Eri(N+1, pga_1, pgb, pgc, pgd)
        if pga_1.shell[r] > 0:
            term3 = pga_1.shell[r] * (1 / (2 * p)) * self.Eri(N, pga_2, pgb, pgc, pgd)
            term4 = pga_1.shell[r] * (alpha / (2 * p ** 2)) * self.Eri(N+1, pga_2, pgb, pgc, pgd)
        if pgb.shell[r] > 0:
            term5 = pgb.shell[r] * (1 / (2 * p)) * self.Eri(N, pga_1, pgb_1, pgc, pgd)
            term6 = pgb.shell[r] * (alpha / (2 * p ** 2)) * self.Eri(N+1, pga_1, pgb_1, pgc, pgd)
        if pgc.shell[r] > 0:
            term7 = pgc.shell[r] * (1 / (2 * (p + q))) * self.Eri(N+1, pga_1, pgb, pgc_1, pgd)
        if pgd.shell[r] > 0:
            term8 = pgd.shell[r] * (1 / (2 * (p + q))) * self.Eri(N+1, pga_1, pgb, pgc, pgd_1)

        return term1 - term2 + term3 - term4 + term5 - term6 + term7 + term8

    def gaussian_factory(self, r, pga, pgb, pgc, pgd):
        """Evaluates nuclear attraction integral over two primitive gaussian orbitals.

        r : int
            Cartesian index 0, 1, 2.

        N : int
            Order of the boys function F_{N}(x).

        pga : PrimitiveGaussian
            The primitive gaussian orbital.

        pgb : PrimitiveGaussian
            The primitive gaussian orbital.

        result : Tuple(pg,pg,pg,pg)
            Tuple of 4 PrimitiveGaussian orbital instance.
        ca = pga.coefficient
        cb = pgb.coefficient
        cc = pgc.coefficient
        cd = pgd.coefficient

        a = pga.exponent
        b = pgb.exponent
        c = pgc.exponent
        d = pgd.exponent

        A = pga.origin
        B = pgb.origin
        C = pgc.origin
        D = pgd.origin

        ix,iy,iz = pga.shell
        jx,jy,jz = pgb.shell
        kx,ky,kz = pgc.shell
        lx,ly,lz = pgd.shell

        if r == 0:
            pga_1 = PrimitiveGaussian(ca, A, (ix - 1, iy, iz), a)
            pga_2 = PrimitiveGaussian(ca, A, (ix - 2, iy, iz), a)
            pgb_1 = PrimitiveGaussian(cb, B, (jx - 1, jy, jz), b)
            pgc_1 = PrimitiveGaussian(cc, C, (kx - 1, ky, kz), c)
            pgd_1 = PrimitiveGaussian(cd, D, (lx - 1, ly, lz), d)
            return pga, pgb, pgc, pgd, pga_1, pga_2, pgb_1, pgc_1, pgd_1
        elif r == 1:
            pga_1 = PrimitiveGaussian(ca, A, (ix, iy-1, iz), a)
            pga_2 = PrimitiveGaussian(ca, A, (ix, iy-2, iz), a)
            pgb_1 = PrimitiveGaussian(cb, B, (jx, jy-1, jz), b)
            pgc_1 = PrimitiveGaussian(cc, C, (kx, ky-1, kz), c)
            pgd_1 = PrimitiveGaussian(cd, D, (lx, ly-1, lz), d)
            return pga, pgb, pgc, pgd, pga_1, pga_2, pgb_1, pgc_1, pgd_1
        elif r == 2:
            pga_1 = PrimitiveGaussian(ca, A, (ix, iy, iz-1), a)
            pga_2 = PrimitiveGaussian(ca, A, (ix, iy, iz-2), a)
            pgb_1 = PrimitiveGaussian(cb, B, (jx, jy, jz-1), b)
            pgc_1 = PrimitiveGaussian(cc, C, (kx, ky, kz-1), c)
            pgd_1 = PrimitiveGaussian(cd, D, (lx, ly, lz-1), d)
            return pga, pgb, pgc, pgd, pga_1, pga_2, pgb_1, pgc_1, pgd_1
# The overlap integral between two primitive Gaussian type orbital
Eri_integral = ElectronRepulsion()