Source code for pyscf.ita.aim

import numpy as np

from pyscf.ita.promolecule import ProMolecule

__all__ = ["Becke", "Hirshfeld"]

class AIM:
    r"""Atoms-in-Molecules (AIM) representation of the information-theoretic approach (ITA) 
    from the perspective of atoms in molecules. To consider atomic contributions of an 
    information-theoretic quantity in a molecular system, three approaches are available 
    to perform atom partitionsin molecules. They are Becke's fuzzy atom approach, Bader's 
    zero-flux AIM approach, and Hirshfeld's stockholder approach. 
    def __init__(self):
        raise NotImplemented  
    def sharing_function(self):
        raise NotImplemented

[docs] class Becke(AIM): r"""Becke's fuzzy atom approach. """ def __init__( self, mol=None, grids=None, ): r""" Initialize a instance. Parameters ---------- mol : Mole, optional Pyscf Mole instance, by default None. grids : Grid, optional Pyscf Grids instance, by default None. """ self.mol = mol self.grids = grids
[docs] def sharing_function( self, mol=None, grids=None, ): r"""Becke sharing funcition :math:`\omega_A(\mathbf{r})` defined as: .. math:: \omega_A(\mathbf{r}) = \frac{V_A (\mathbf{r}) }{\sum_A V_A (\mathbf{r})} Parameters ---------- mol : Mole, optional Pyscf Mole instance, by default None. grids : Grid, optional Pyscf Grids instance, by default None. Returns ------- omega : List[np.ndarray((N,), dtype=float)] Sharing functions for a list of atoms. """ if mol==None: mol = self.mol if grids==None: grids = self.grids n_nuc = len(mol.elements) omega = [] _, grids_weights = grids.get_partition(mol) grids_weights =, 1e-30) grids_weights.filled(1e-30) for i, grids_weights_i in enumerate(np.split(grids_weights,n_nuc)): omega_i = [np.zeros_like(grids_weights_i)]*n_nuc omega_i[i] = grids_weights_i omega_i = np.concatenate(omega_i,axis=0) omega_i = omega_i/grids_weights omega.append(omega_i) return omega
[docs] class Hirshfeld(AIM): r"""Hirshfeld's stockholder approach. Examples: >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1') >>> mf = scf.HF(mol) >>> mf.kernel() >>> grids = dft.Grids(mol) >>> >>> pro_charge, pro_multiplicity = {'H':0, 'O':0}, {'H':2, 'O':3} >>> aim =, grids.coords, pro_charge, pro_multiplicity) >>> omega = aim.sharing_function() """ def __init__(self, promoldens=None): r""" Initialize a instance. Parameters ---------- promoldens : ElectronDensity, optional ElectronDensity instance for molecule, by default None. """ self.promoldens = promoldens
[docs] @classmethod def build( cls, method, grids_coords, pro_charge=None, pro_multiplicity=None, spin='ab', deriv=0 ): """Class method to build the class. Parameters ---------- method : PyscfMethod Pyscf scf method or post-scf method instance. grids_coords : np.ndarray((N,), dtype=float) Grids coords of N points. pro_charge : Dict{str:int}, optional Dictionary of charge for each element, by default None. pro_multiplicity : Dict{str:int}, optional Dictionary of multiplicity for each element, by default None. spin: ('ab' | 'a' | 'b' | 'm') Type of density to compute; either total, alpha-spin, beta-spin, or magnetization density, by default 'ab'. deriv : int List of molecule and promolecule derivative+1 level, by default 0. Returns ------- obj Instance of Hirshfeld class. """ promol =, charge=pro_charge, multiplicity=pro_multiplicity) promoldens = promol.electron_density(grids_coords, spin=spin, deriv=deriv) obj = cls(promoldens) return obj
[docs] def sharing_function(self, promoldens=None): r"""Hirshfeld sharing funcition :math:`\omega_A(\mathbf{r})` defined as: .. math:: \omega_A(\mathbf{r}) = \frac{\rho^0_A (\mathbf{r}) }{\sum_A \rho^0_A (\mathbf{r})} Parameters ---------- promoldens : PartitionDensity PartitionDensity instance for promolecule, by default None. Returns ------- omega : List[np.ndarray((N,), dtype=float)] Sharing functions for a list of atoms. """ if promoldens is None: promoldens = self.promoldens omega = [free_atom_dens.density()/promoldens.density(mask=True) for free_atom_dens in promoldens] return omega