Source code for pyscf.ita.promolecule

import numpy as np

from pyscf import scf, dft
from pyscf.scf import atom_hf, atom_ks
from pyscf.dft.rks import KohnShamDFT
from pyscf.scf.hf import SCF        

__all__ = ["ProMolecule"]

    "H": 2, "He":1, 
    "Li":2, "Be":1, "B": 2, "C": 3, "N": 4, "O": 3, "F": 2, "Ne":1, 
    "Na":2, "Mg":1, "Al":2, "Si":3, "P": 4, "S": 3, "Cl":2, "Ar":1, 
    "K": 2, "Ca":1, "Sc":2, "Ti":3, "V": 4, "Cr":7, "Mn":6, "Fe":5, 
    "Co":4, "Ni":3, "Cu":2, "Zn":1, "Ga":2, "Ge":3, "As":4, "Se":3, 
    "Br":2, "Kr":1, "Rb":2, "Sr":1, "Y": 2, "Zr":3, "Nb":6, "Mo":7, 
    "Tc":6, "Ru":5, "Rh":4, "Pd":1, "Ag":2, "Cd":1, "In":2, "Sn":3, 
    "Sb":4, "Te":3, "I" :2, "Xe":1, "Cs":2, "Ba":1, "La":2, "Ce":1, 
    "Pr":4, "Nd":5, "Pm":6, "Sm":7, "Eu":8, "Gd":9, "Tb":6, "Dy":5,
    "Ho":4, "Er":3, "Tm":2, "Yb":1, "Lu":2, "Hf":3, "Ta":4, "W" :5,
    "Re":6, "Os":5, "Ir":4, "Pt":3, "Au":2, "Hg":1, "Tl":2, "Pb":3, 
    "Bi":4, "Po":3, "At":2, "Rn":1, "Fr":2, "Ra":1, "Ac":2, "Th":3, 
    "Pa":4, "U" :5, "Np":6, "Pu":7, "Am":8, "Cm":9, "Bk":6, "Cf":5, 
    "Es":4, "Fm":3
r"""Dictionary of the multiplicities for each isoelectronic series (up to 100 electrons).

[docs] class ProMolecule: r""" Promolecule class. A promolecule is an approximation of a molecule constructed from a linear combination of atomic and/or ionic species. Properties of this promolecule can be computed from those of the atomic and/or ionic species, depending on whether the property is an extensive one or an intensive one. Examples: >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1') >>> mf = scf.HF(mol) >>> mf.kernel() >>> pro_charge, pro_multiplicity = {'H':0, 'O':0}, {'H':2, 'O':3} >>> promol =, pro_charge, pro_multiplicity) """ def __init__( self, method, element_methods=None, pro_charge=None, pro_multiplicity=None ): r""" Initialize a instance. Parameters ---------- method : PyscfMethod Pyscf method. element_methods : Dict{element:PyscfMethod}, optional Dictionary of PyscfMethod for each element, by default None. pro_charge : Dict{str:int}, optional Dictionary of charge for each element, by default None. pro_multiplicity : Dict{str:int}, optional Dictionary of multiplicity for each element, by default None. """ self.method = method self.element_methods = element_methods self.pro_charge = pro_charge self.pro_multiplicity = pro_multiplicity
[docs] def build( self, method=None, pro_charge=None, pro_multiplicity=None ): r""" Initialize a instance. Parameters ---------- method : PyscfMethod Pyscf method. pro_charge : Dict{str:int}, optional Dictionary of charge for each element, by default None. pro_multiplicity : Dict{str:int}, optional Dictionary of multiplicity for each element, by default None. Returns ------- ProMolecule Instance of ProMolecule class. """ if method is None: method = self.method if pro_charge is None: pro_charge = self.pro_charge if pro_multiplicity is None: pro_multiplicity = self.pro_multiplicity # By default use neutral atoms. if (pro_charge is None) and (pro_multiplicity is None): pro_charge, pro_multiplicity = {}, {} for element in set(method.mol.elements): pro_charge[element] = 0 pro_multiplicity[element] = MULTIPLICITIES[element] # Parse the method atom_method = self.identical_method(method) # Build atom in promolecule mol = method.mol element_methods = {} for element in set(mol.elements): atom = mol.__class__() atom.atom = [[element, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]] atom.basis = mol.basis atom.charge = pro_charge[element] atom.multiplicity = pro_multiplicity[element] atom.unit = mol.unit atom.cart = mol.cart atom.verbose = 0 if isinstance(method, SCF): element_method = atom_method(atom) element_method.kernel() else: element_mf = scf.HF(atom) element_mf.kernel() element_method = atom_method(element_mf) element_method.kernel() element_methods[element] = element_method self.method = method self.element_methods = element_methods self.pro_charge = pro_charge self.pro_multiplicity = pro_multiplicity return self
[docs] def identical_method(self, method): """_summary_ Parameters ---------- method : PyscfMethod Pyscf scf method or post-scf method instance. Returns ------- _type_ _description_ """ # If Mean field method if isinstance(method, SCF): if isinstance(method, KohnShamDFT): method_func = dft.KS method_func.xc = method.xc else: method_func = scf.HF # If post-scf method else: if 'MP'.lower() in method.__class__.__name__.lower(): from pyscf import mp method_func = getattr(mp, method.__class__.__name__) elif 'CC'.lower() in method.__class__.__name__.lower(): from pyscf import cc method_func = getattr(cc, method.__class__.__name__) elif 'CI'.lower() in method.__class__.__name__.lower(): from pyscf import ci method_func = getattr(ci, method.__class__.__name__) else: raise TypeError("Method type not supported.") return method_func
[docs] def spheric_average_method(self, method): """_summary_ Parameters ---------- method : PyscfMethod Pyscf scf method or post-scf method instance. Returns ------- _type_ _description_ """ # If Mean field method if isinstance(method, SCF): if isinstance(method, KohnShamDFT): method_func = atom_ks.AtomSphAverageRKS method_func.xc = method.xc else: if method.mol.nelectron == 1: method_func = atom_hf.AtomHF1e else: method_func = atom_hf.AtomSphAverageRHF method_func.atomic_configuration = NRSRHF_CONFIGURATION # If post-scf method else: if 'MP'.lower() in method.__class__.__name__.lower(): from pyscf import mp method_func = getattr(mp, method.__class__.__name__) elif 'CC'.lower() in method.__class__.__name__.lower(): from pyscf import cc method_func = getattr(cc, method.__class__.__name__) elif 'CI'.lower() in method.__class__.__name__.lower(): from pyscf import ci method_func = getattr(ci, method.__class__.__name__) else: raise TypeError("Method type not supported.") return method_func
[docs] def electron_density( self, grids_coords, spin='ab', deriv=2 ): """ Compute the electron density of the promolecule at the desired points. Parameters ---------- grid_coords: np.ndarray((N, 3), dtype=float) Points at which to compute the density. spin: ('ab' | 'a' | 'b' | 'm') Type of density to compute; either total, alpha-spin, beta-spin, or magnetization density, by default 'ab'. deriv : int List of molecule and promolecule derivative+1 level, by default 2. Returns ------- PartitionDensity Instance of PartitionDensity class. """ from pyscf.ita.dens import ElectronDensity, PartitionDensity element_methods = self.element_methods proatom_dens_list = [] for atom_geom in self.method.mol._atom: symbol = atom_geom[0] element_methods[symbol].mol.set_geom_([atom_geom],unit='B') free_atom_dens =[symbol], grids_coords=grids_coords, spin=spin, deriv=deriv) proatom_dens_list.append(free_atom_dens) promoldens = PartitionDensity(proatom_dens_list) return promoldens
[docs] def get_method(self, element): """Get the Pyscf method for given element. Parameters ---------- element : str Symbol of element. Returns ------- PyscfMethod Pyscf method. """ return self.element_methods[element]
[docs] def get_atom(self, element): """Get the Pyscf Mole object for given element. Parameters ---------- element : str Symbol of element. Returns ------- Mole Pyscf Mole object for free atom. """ return self.element_methods[element].mol
[docs] def get_xc(self, element): """Get the exchange correlation functional for given element. Parameters ---------- element : str Symbol of element. Returns ------- str Name of exchange correlation functional. """ return self.element_methods[element].xc
[docs] def get_scf(self, element): """Get the mean field Pyscf method for given element. Parameters ---------- element : str Symbol of element. Returns ------- PyscfMethod Mean field pyscf method. """ return self.element_methods[element]._scf